Why You Might Run Out of Money in Retirement, and What to Do About It
Jul 15, 2019Here’s a question for you.
What do you think is the #1 fear of American’s aged 50+?
It’s probably not what you think.
It’s not health issues.
It’s not having to work longer.
It’s not even death!
The #1 fear of anyone over 50 – is running out of money.
(Death by the way, came in at #2)
And this fear is justified. Because….
… 75% of Americans are running the risk of running out of money before they die.
How is this even possible?
Let me tell you how.
This is the Current Reality here in 2018
- More than one third of workers have less than $1000 saved
- 60% have less than $25,000 saved
- Most scary of all – 75% of Americans can expect to see their assets disappear before they die.
And we are living longer! Much longer!
Compounding this issue is that we are living longer!
Someone retiring today at aged 65 is expected to live to 85 or longer.
That’s 20+ years of retirement.
And that’s the average.
How are you going to fund your longer life?
How are you going to fund this longer life?
Most people don’t have enough.
Do you want to be a burden?
The Government?
You’re kidding, right?
The average Social Security benefit is $1294/month. Could you live on that?
The Solution
The solution is taking stock of the situation and vowing to do something about it.
And the easiest (and fastest) solution, is to explore having a web business.
Something that is simple.
Something that is easy to understand.
Something that you will enjoy.
And something that can quietly be running 247 generating you an extra income.
There is NOT a magic button, but it there is a magic process, to generating a regular income online.
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